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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shin Splints

Shin splints, also known a tibial stress syndrome, is a common injury athletes come across. Here is a sample of a rehab protocol for coming back from this injury, to be used only if advised by a qualified medical professional. 

Calf Stretching
Stretch and hold for 2 sets of 30 seconds (each).
Do with a bent knee and straight knee.
Heel Walking
Walk only on your heels for 30 feet (a VB court).
Do this twice, down and back is 1.
Toe Walking
Walk only on your toes for 30 feet (a VB court).
Do this twice, down and back is 1.
Cup Pick-Ups
3 sets of 6 cups. On a single leg, bend over to put all 6 cups down, one at a time, and then pick each of them up individually. Do this all without touching your other foot to the ground.
Start on the ground and progress to uneven surfaces, such as a foam disk or pillow.
Calf Raises
On an uneven surfaces, such as foam disk or pillow, or with heels off a box.
3 sets of 15 reps. 

Foam/Straw/Marbles Pick-Ups
Using small pieces, such as a marble or straw cut 4 times, drop them all on the ground and using your toes, pick each one up individually and place in a cup or bowl.
2 sets of 25 pieces.
Seated Toe Taps
Seated on a chair where your thigh is parallel with the ground, tap your toes up and down.
3 sets of 25 reps.
Towel Scrunches
Seated on a chair where your thigh is parallel with the ground, use your toes to scrunch a towel towards you.  
Repeat this 3 times.
4-way Ankle Theraband
Planterflex (point your toes), Dorsiflex (toes to shin), Invert (toes towards other leg), and Evert (foot away from the body) your ankle while it is resisted against a theraband.
3 sets of 10 reps. 

Single Leg Balance
Start on the ground and progress to uneven surfaces, such as foam disk or pillow. To add more challenge, include tossing a ball to a partner or against a rebounder.
5 sets of 1 minute.

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