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Friday, May 10, 2013

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, is a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts. HPV is a group of viruses, of more than 100 strands, that can infect the genital region. Also, in the past few years, HPV has been a known link to cervical cancers. All types of HPV can lead to abnormal Pap smears, not all of which are cancerous, but in some cases cervical HPV infection may go unnoticed and lead to persistent, untreated infections.
Signs and Symptoms
  • some have no indication of being infected and can naturally clear the infection on their own
  • visible warts in the genital region including: cervix, vulva, anus, penis
    • soft, flesh-colored
    • raised or flat
    • small or large
  • may appear within weeks or months after contact 
  • consult a medical professional
  • cease sexual contact until diagnosis is confirmed, symptoms are treated, and cleared by your diagnosing physician 
  • there is a vaccine for HPV which can be discussed with you physician: Gardisil and Cervarix 
  • absitnence, or lack of sexual contact is the most sure way to eliminate risk of infection
  • use of protection when having sexual intercourse or related activities
  • discretion in sexual partners as well as the number of partners
  • get regular gynecological exams

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