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Friday, May 10, 2013


Mittelschmerz refers to pelvic pain associated with ovulation in females. Around mid-menstrual-cycle, when ovulation occurs, the ovum will sometimes get released along with a fluid. This fluid rides along the Fallopian tube with the ovum and can be very irritating to intraabdominal tissues. This is not the same thing as normal "menstrual cramping", as that occurs later in the cycle as the uterine walls are shedding and therefore the resulting bleeding occurs.
Signs and Symptoms
  • lower abdominal pain
  • unilateral (one side)
  • affected side may change month to month
  • pain will occur between, not during, menstruation 
  • over-the-counter NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ie. Ibuprofen)
  • heating packs
  • seek medical advice from a physician, oral contraceptives may be beneficial
  • only true prevention is to prevent ovulation, this may be done with oral contraceptives 

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