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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sickle Cell

Sickle cell disease is a genetic blood disorder which effects red blood cell formation. It causes a sickle, or crescent, shape instead of a round. These sickled cells do not carry out the proper functions of healthy red blood cells. This causes decreased oxygen transport, shorter red blood cell lifespan, increased risk of clogged vessels, and increased risk of rhabdomyolysis (rapid breakdown of muscle tissues).

Sickle cell trait is when a person is only the carrier of the gene, but does not have the disease. This is passed down from parents that either have the disease or trait. Everyone is screened for sickle cell at birth, but many do not know the results. It is a simple blood test to find out.

Sickle Cell and Athletes/Active Population
Knowing whether or not you have sickle cell trait is important when exercising. A person who does a more exhaustive workout and has the trait is more prone to a sickle cell crisis. A sickle cell crisis is when a normal, healthy red blood cells rapidly sickle and immediately decrease oxygen transportation to the heart. Symptoms may mimic those of heat cramping, but the response should be much different. A person with heat cramps needs to be cooled down and replenished with electrolytes. A person in sickle cell crisis needs oxygen. It would constitute as a medical emergency and therefore knowing the history and difference between the two is key...

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