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Friday, May 10, 2013


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection that is on the rise. It is caused by Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is sometimes caused the "great imitator" because its symptoms so frequently mirror that of many other STI's.

Signs and Symptoms
  • comes in 4 different stages: primary, secondary, latent, and late or tertiary stage
  • Primary
    • the incubation period can range anywhere from 1-13 weeks
    • a chancre will develop and heal
    • highly contagious ulcerations occur 
  • Secondary
    • dermatological conditions, including rash
    • body aches
    • mild flu-like symptoms 
  • Latent
    • reappearance of infections lesions (contagious when active)
    • little to no other symptoms
  • Late, or Tertiary, Stage
    • cardiovascular and neurological complications 
    • damage to skin and bone
  • consult a medical professional
  • cease all sexual contact until treatment is complete
  • penicillin, or other medications if allergic, is appropriate for syphilis 
  • it is a report-able disease, and past sexual partners need to be notified and treated 
  • use protection when having sexual intercourse or related activities
  • use discretion when picking sexual partners
  • discuss past medical history or STIs before having intercourse or doing related activities with a partner 

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