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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Female Athlete Triad

The female athlete triad is an overall syndrome made up of three separate, but related, disorders: amenorrhea, osteoporosis, and disordered eating.

It is defined as a lack of normal menstrual cycle. It can be primary or secondary. Primary is a lack of onset by the age of 16, in other have never had a period at all. Secondary is described as the lack of menstruation for more than 3-6 cycles, in other have had a period before, but not in the last 3-6 months and yo
u are not pregnant. Amenorrhea can be caused by an unbalanced diet or low caloric intake related to caloric expenditure. It is dangerous because it causes a decreased flow of estrogen to the bones, which helps keep the bones strong.

Osteoporosis is having low bone mass or excessive bone loss. It can cause a fragile skeleton and therefore higher risk of fracture. As a result of disordered eating and amenorrhea, the body will not absorb the vitamins and minerals needed to produce strong bone mass, such as calcium and vitamin D. Many times stress fractures are an early indicator of bone density abnormalities. While the process can be helped, many times it is irreversible.

Disordered Eating
The term disordered eating is very broad and can include a variety of eating habits. Commonly anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the most widely known. However, disordered eating can include a range of habits not clinically diagnosed as anorexic or bulimic. For example...restricted food intake, self-induced vomiting, use of appetite suppressants, diet pills, laxatives, and/or diuretics. It can be done unintentionally, such as skipping a meal, or intentionally. Possible signs include amenorrhea, dehydration, anxiety, depression, stress fractures, significant weight loss, dental or gum problems, gastrointestinal symptoms, excessive use of restroom, excessive exercise, preoccupation with weight and eating habits, and hypothermia (cold intolerance).

If you suspect any of these disorders may be an issue with you, you should consult a medical professional. By striving for proper caloric intake, eating a well balanced diet, monitoring your menstrual cycle, and avoiding unrealistic weight goals you can prevent many of these problems.

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