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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nutritional Quick Tips

Morning: more carbs, less protein
Midday: mix of carbs and protein
Evening: less carbs, more protein
Any food in excess, "good" or "bad", is stored as fat. Portion control is one of the most important keys in dietary success.

Eat 5-6 small meals a day, instead of only 2-3 large meals. Eating too much at one sitting will cause a sharp influx of insulin and blood sugar levels. Too much insulin in the bloodstream will cause a higher storage of fat content.

Never skip breakfast. Your body will go into "starvation response" when more than 8-10 hours lapses between meals. It will then convert anything you eat next, no matter what it is, into fat for survival. 

Limit consumption of fried foods: fried chicken, fried fish, fried shrimp, fried turkey, bacon, fried pork chops, french fries.
Limit consumption of meats high in saturated fats, hamburgers/cheeseburgers, fried meats, dark meat.

Increase consumption of lean meats: baked chicken without skin, baked turkey without skin, baked fish, boiled/broiled shrimp, salmon, tuna in water.
Think of alternative forms of protein: egg whites, red beans, black beans, baked beans, white beans, yogurt, cottage cheese, low fat or fat free cheese.

Eat whole grain breads instead of white. It is higher in fiber and will convert to sugar at a slower rate.

Try not to eat after 8:00pm. If you have to, eat fruit. You don't need to over indulge in carbohydrates at night. Their purpose is to replenish energy stores but it takes only a small amount of carbohydrates to restore your needs.

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