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Friday, May 10, 2013

Ovarian Cyst

Ovaries grow cysts each month in correlation with ovulation. The cysts contain eggs that are maturing and will eventually break open and travel down the Fallopian tubes. If these cysts do not break open, they will retain the fluid and remain in the ovaries. This will cause an ovarian cyst, which are mostly benign but can be very painful.
Signs and Symptoms
  • many are asymptomatic 
  • dull ache in low back
  • pain with urination or not being able to pass urine completely
  • pressure
  • breast tenderness
  • nausea/vomiting
  • fullness or pain in the abdomen
  • weight gain
  • painful menstruation 
  • abnormal bleeding
  • pain with intercourse 
  • consult a medical professional
  • pain relievers, such as NSAID OTCs (ex. Ibuprofen)
  • oral contraceptives may be needed and helpful
  • possibly surgical removal may be warranted 
  • no specific preventative measures 
  • knowledgeable of medical history is helpful in diagnosing 

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