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Friday, May 10, 2013

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the more common types of cancer in women. It can occur at any age, though risk increases with age, and can occur in anyone, although family history poses a higher risk.
Signs and Symptoms
  • usually begins with no obvious signs and is not painful in anyway
  • breast discharge
  • nipple inversion
  • redness and/or puckering of surrounding skin 
  • as with all cancers, the sooner it is caught the better
  • it cannot be fought alone and detailed medical care will be needed
  • there is no self-prevention of breast cancer, although those that are at high risk may discuss getting a mastectomy (removal of breast tissue) with their doctors 
  • getting regular gynecological exams is vital
  • doing regular at home self exams can be beneficial as well

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