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Friday, May 10, 2013


Chlamydia is considered by many to be the most common STI (sexually transmitted infection) in the United States. Because initial signs and symptoms may not be as severe as other STDs/STIs it can often times go untreated for too long. Complications could include infertility, ectopic (embryo implants outside the uterus) pregnancy, severe infections, chronic pelvic pain.
Signs and Symptoms
  • Males
    • visible inflammation may occur
    • discharge 
    • painful urination 
    • blood in the urine 
  • Females
    • tend to be asymptomatic 
    • discharge
    • pelvic pain
  • consult a medical professional
  • a bacterial examination is performed to determine the appropriate medication for the strand
  • cease all sexual contact until a diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is complete, and an OK is given by the diagnosing physician 
  • relapses may occur 
  • use protection when having sexual intercourse or related activities
  • use discretion when picking sexual partners
  • discuss past medical history or STIs before having intercourse or doing related activities with a partner

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